Just a quick note: I upgraded the site's commenting system to the newest version. I'd held off on it for a few versions since it changed the look of the discussions considerably, and had a few bugs that were in need of ironing out.
It's worth trying now, for a few reasons:
No. 1: Replies identify the comments being replied to.
The nesting of comments could get confusing when multiple discussions were happening within the same thread, especially on mobile. Now on replies to comments, you'll see "Reply to [name]" with a link to the specific comment at hand.
(You can also mention users by name with the @ symbol. It will generate a link for that person's name, at least if their display name matches their user name. No harm in swinging and missing, to my knowledge.)
No. 2: You can search your own recent comments.
If you wanted to track your comments across various posts, you can click on the person icon next to the comment count at the top of the discussion, which launches a window with your recent activity.
No. 3: Tweets now auto-embed by link.
It's always been simple to embed images in the comments via image URL, as long as it started with "https" and ended with the file format (https://media.giphy.com/media/jpbgnQgnKxcvQ6nzAQ/giphy.gif, for instance). Now you can do the same with tweets. Dropping the full URL of the tweet should automatically embed the tweet in the discussion, rather than displaying a clickable URL. This should come in handy if and when the tepid stove heats up.
Try to get used to it over the next few weeks, and let me know if you encounter any issues or bugs. I have the option of rolling back to the old format, but it's a dead end, so I'd rather hang with this one and benefit from further advancements.