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Following up: White Sox on track to hire Chris Getz

Guaranteed Rate Field (Jim Margalus / Sox Machine)

The White Sox's worst week ever is now threatening to fill up an entire fortnight, because they're drawing closer to hiring Chris Getz without a search, and the bleacher shooting investigation is concluding in the most embarrassing fashion possible.

These developments aren't connected, but they are.

Chris Getz is apparently happening

Give the White Sox a little credit: They're not just the only MLB team that actively hires from the Royals.

The White Sox are also the only MLB team that actively hires from the White Sox.

In Getz's case, he's a little bit of both. The White Sox hired him from the Royals seven years ago to be the director of player development, and after watching him oversee one of baseball's least impressive farm systems and a couple of minor-league managers they had to fire due to varying degrees of misconduct, more people are getting word that he'll be the next to run the whole show.

This doesn't come as a surprise to those who believe Bob Nightengale when he's reporting on unpopular decisions that come from Jerry Reinsdorf and/or Tony La Russa. For those hoping he could be wrong, Jon Morosi -- who tried to be credulous about the White Sox's openmindedness by floating Mike Rizzo as a possibility -- is in the process of giving in.

And A.J. Pierzynski, who previously wondered aloud if Getz and Pedro Grifol worked to overthrow Kenny Williams and Rick Hahn, had received word of the same during his YouTube show today.

There's no particular reason to think this will work out, and what's worse is that there isn't really a reason to give Getz any real benefit of the doubt. It continues the trend of Jerry Reinsdorf limiting his hiring to people 1) he knows, and 2) who wouldn't get the same opportunity anywhere else. It's framed as loyalty, but if it's true that Reinsdorf wouldn't let Rick Hahn resign at multiple points over the last two-plus seasons, it's less about benevolence and more about control.

PERTINENT: White Sox reportedly set on next mistake by promoting Chris Getz

Guaranteed Rate Field bleacher shooting

The reporting about Friday's bleacher shooting over the previous 24-48 hours pretty much eliminated the possibility of an outside shooting, especially once details about the wounds became known.

Police didn't have as much to say about the women who suffered wounds, and learning about them seemed like the natural next step in determining what actually happened. If what Sports Mockery and ESPN 1000's Peggy Kusinki reported is true, you can understand the hesitancy in sharing details. It's unbelievable.

Even if it isn't true, White Sox fans will still never hear the end of it.

As Buddy Bell said when he managed the Royals, "I never say it can't get any worse." The White Sox, of course, hired Bell from the Royals to oversee their player development in 2007 after Bell resigned from managing Kansas City, and Hahn promoted Bell to assistant general manager as his first move. These developments aren't connected, but they are.

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