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Weekly Poker Tournaments

(Photo by Guts Gaming)

Hello, SoxMachiners!

For the last couple of months, I have been running $20 No Limit Texas Hold 'Em poker tournaments via PokerStars' free site on select weeknights, with payments handled via Venmo or Chase QuickPay. There's usually either one or two games per week (mostly just one of late as baseball and other life activities have slowly come back). They've been a fun way to pass the time while we're mostly stuck at home, and it could be a fun thing to do while you've got the game on as the White Sox come back to us.

We've been getting anywhere between 40-60 people per tournament and the games generally run from 8:00 PM CT to somewhere between 11:00 - 11:45 PM CT (note that if you're in the game that long, you're undoubtedly a winner).

If any of you from the SoxMachine community would be interested in playing in these games, please send me an e-mail at and I can give you more information. It would be great to have another outlet to hang out with our community (albeit online), especially given that meetups are challenging for the time being.

Thanks, and here's to a great 2020 (abbreviated) White Sox season!

(Photo by Guts Gaming)

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