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Sox Machine business update: The early road schedule

(Works Progress Administration)

As we gird our loins for Opening Day here at Sox Machine, I'd like to provide a brief update on our initial plans for covering the White Sox as a full-service reportage and analysis outlet.

We're currently at 1,199 supporters on Patreon (I was waiting 1,200 before deciding to break free from the tyranny of round numbers). We still have a ways to go before we reach our ultimate goal -- budgeting for a comprehensive travel schedule while also paying ourselves enough to make a living -- but we're ahead of where we expected to be at Opening Day, and the early rush of support has afforded us the opportunity to book several trips in our continued effort to provide proofs of concept.

(Update: Thanks to Robert, we're now at 1,200.)

Right now, James Fegan is heading to road series in Kansas City (April 4-7), Minneapolis (April 22-25), St. Louis (May 3-5) and Milwaukee (May 31-June 2). I'll also be heading to Birmingham for the opening series, and driving up to Bowling Green for at least a couple of Winston-Salem Dash games in mid-April.

At that point, we'll check where we are financially, where the White Sox are, and where White Sox prospects are, to better understand which trips provide the most bang for the buck.

Your support makes this all possible, so if you have any ideas for how to direct or enhance our coverage, let us know whenever they arise. And if you know of anybody or any businesses that would be interested in sponsoring road trips -- we've already received a strong lead for spring training next season -- shoot me an email at

As always, thanks for backing our modest endeavor and grand ambitions.

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